101 Social Media Tips to Become Social Media Rockstar

There are many great social media tips that can help you improve your social media results and this post will be talking about 101 social media tips you must know. We have already talked about how Social media has changed the society and how Social recommendations helps in shopping, and it’s important for any business or an individual Blogger to get their best foot on Social media front and become a Social media rockstar. Social media is the future of the web and one of the best ways to get the best from the social media world is by being informed. Social media has shaped internet in new way.

101 Social Media Tips to Become Social Media Rockstar

Some of these tips are from personal experience and the others are from effective research.

101 Killer Social media Tips

1. Have an account on the major social networking and bookmarking sites – this helps for great brand recognition. Make sure you use the same handle everywhere. You can use services like namechk to see if your desired username is available or not.

2. Personalise your social media profile. Take advantage of background image, cover image.

3. Make use of your picture in your bio – this makes your profile more personal and it also makes it easier for people to identify you on different social media sites.

4. Make sure you fill your author bio, professionally and not spammingly. Give a clear idea about Who you are and What you do in few words. Try to also answer “What’s in there for me” to increase your number of followers.

5. Share your best content regularly – this will help you increase your perceived level of authority. Don’t over do it but make sure you do it on a constant rate.

6. Share other people’s content – this will make others respect you and willing to help you also. Make sure you share only those articles which are worth sharing . It’s in your best interest to stick to your niche or share trending stories which will bring conversation. Take advantage of tagging feature to create connection with people.

7. Always reply to questions asked because this will let people know that there is somebody behind the account and not a bot.

8. Be careful and avoid too much automation – this can corrupt your social media presence. For semi-automation, I recommend Hootsuite, Socialoomph and Bufferapp.

9. If you want others to read your posts when they share than read the great posts others are sharing that you find interesting. Do add your footprints by commenting or by adding your views.

10. Have quality friends – if you are in the make money online niche then make sure most of your friends are in this niche.

11. Focus on relationships – There is value in 100 quality followers you know than 1,000 you don’t know.

12. Being Active is important – It is very important to make use of your favorite social networking sites because this will help you know more about how the site works and you will also be able to engage with your followers.

13. Addiction can make you as poor as a church rat – People say church rats are no longer poor, but any poor thing you can think about, if you are too addicted to social networking and bookmarking sites it can lead to a frustrating live because you will have wasted your precious time doing nothing precious for your future.

14. Put your business last – Don’t go to the social networking sites and begin to promote your content only.

15. The 90/10 rule – Try to share 90% of others people’s content and only 10% of yours, it helps!

16. Headlines Matter – When trying to write a post with an intention to go viral in the social media world you have to make sure you have a great headline.

17. When using twitter, be used to short tweets – this is very important because many people tweet a link with the whole 140 characteristics thereby making it difficult for others to retweet, tweet less so that others can share.

18. Don’t Spam Your Readers. Take note of your updates, excessive Updates in short time are consider as spam.

19. Have two accounts, if needed – You can get the best from your social media networks if you have two accounts for different purposes, you can have one that is for your business and the other one that is personal which you can be using to interact with family and friends.

20. Don’t reveal everything – Many people go on to tell everybody everything, even to their house addresses, on their social networking sites. You have heard of people snatching other people’s spouse on Facebook so be careful and don’t be too personal.

21. Use tags when tweeting – another great twitter tip is to make use of #tags when tweeting your posts because this helps you easily get some people to share your content and people can also easily get your content in the social networking site’s search results. This will help if you want to get more retweeets because you can easily get some bots to tweet your post :)

22. Be genuine and honest.

23. Be Unique – You are yourself in real-life, so don’t be another person.

24. Read top social media blogs – they always have great tips to share.

25. Always Listen and give response if required.

26. When Using twitter, make your tweets more unique – many people tweet with the default blog post title, you can make this more unique by modifying the title to an attractive one or by adding your comments to it.

27. Make sure your sites are linked to from your social media profiles – traffic from these sources should never be underestimated.

28. When using Digg, Digg a lot of other people’s useful submission and also Digg your friends submission, this will help you make sure they do the same.

29. Participate in Conversations – this is very important and if done effectively will help you get more recognized.

30. Always track your social media efforts – Twitter might not be for you, if it is Facebook that works then stick with it!

31. Manage your reputation – You don’t know what people are saying about you, don’t be ignorant, try to effectively manage your reputation and know what others are saying about you.

32. Avoid promotion only – don’t just promote your content, share some helpful tips that can help people improve their lives.

33. Thank those who share and promote your content, if someone retweets your post, thank them for it.

34. Add your favorite social bookmarking buttons to your website – this helps make sure your content is being shared.

35. Take note of the time content easily goes viral – I discover people tend to read and retweet posts I promote around 5-6pm in the evening.

36. Being a power user at one site is better than being a mediocre at one – focus all your efforts on one social networking/bookmarking site and once you are getting better results you can extend to others.

37. Connect with the social media influencers and power users – try to find those people with influence in your niche, connect with them and try to build a stronger relationship with them, you might still need their help.

38. Leverage the power of asking -if you need help then feel free to ask.

39. Make Use of Call to Actions (CTA’s) – If you want people to retweet your tweet why not include “Pls RT” in it? When sharing something on Facebook, asking users to like or share will increase conversation and improve edgerank of your Facebook profile/page.

40. Share top news, it can make you popular overnight – First, there is no miracle here. If you make effective use of sharing top news and important events (like natural disasters), and you are the first person to share then other big sites and media sites can link to you thereby leading to more followers for you.

41. Build a Tribe – If you are looking for a way to brainstorm ideas and form a mastermind, why not make use of your favorite social networking sites?

42. Use social media sites to offer customer support and get feedback from users – this also helps you build your base.

43. Don’t be boring – inject some jokes and humor once in a while. Being personal is good, bring over-personal is bad.

44. Bring life back to your old posts – you can go to your archives once in a while and share your old posts.

48. Share photos – people love visual things.

49. Share videos – this is now the rage and can easily go viral.

50. Write list posts – they tend to go viral on social media sites e.g.

51. Many people have their birthday date shown on their social media profile (eespecially on Facebook) – congratulate them on this date and you have won more loyal friends.

52. Make your social media details easily accessible on your site – I get most of my followers from my blog.

53. Have a blog – many people don’t know a blog is part of social media ;)

54. Be generous

55. Be a solution to people’s problem – I do follow and list those who tweet motivational quotes always. If you see a common problem among people, create an account and use it to provide a solution to that problem, you will get a lot of supporters in no time.

56. If you offer a service, demonstrate social proof – you can do this by sharing customer testimonials e.t.c.

57. Talk about brands – if you see a top brand related to your niche holding an important event, write about it and promote it on your favorite social sites, this can help you gain some more new traffic.

58. Run social media contests – you can give $1 to everybody who tweets a post or message of yours, you will be amazed to see how it works!

59. Have a backend – try to make your social media prospects permanently yours by looking for ways to add them to your list or as your blog subscriber.

60. Visit Yahoo Answers and look for questions related to your niche, share the answers on your favorite social bookmarking/networking sites.

61. Write “the ultimate” posts they also tend to go viral quickly.

62. Influence a social media influencer – they might talk about you to their followers and this can lead to more followers and perceived value for you.

63. Interview a top expert and a social media influencer, they might end up promoting their interview. This might take a little wisdom though. For example, you can interview the top digg user and use a very catchy title that will go viral e.g. Lets say the top digg user name is “Onibalusi” you can let the title be “The Power of Digg – With Onibalusi“, this will easily gain more attention than “Interview with digg top user Onibalusi“.

64. Address a very controversial issue that often leads to fight on your account and you will be amazed to see your account explode with followers.

65. Building an account around a band or a celebrity can help you gain more attention.

66. Try to interview the founders of your favorite social network, this might lead to more traffic and recognition for you if they share it.

67. Are you about to create a product for your company or blog? Leverage your social media power by conducting surveys on your favorite social media networks.

68. Do you want to get more retweets? Try to be humorous e.g. I got a tweet in my timeline with the title, “great jokes – how to make $$$ in 4 seconds” i clicked over and the fellow wrote this as how to make $$$ in 4 seconds. Go to the comments section of a blog, press shift 4 times, press f1 and you have already made $$$ in 4 seconds“. Isn’t this funny? I bet it is and I immediately tweeted the post. Try to be humorous and you will be able to build your base of loyal fans over time.

69. Try to build your true fan base – your true fans are those who are interested in all you do.

70. Focus your efforts on improving your relationships with your true fan base.

71. Try to turn yourself into a celebrity or make a great brand for yourself.

72. Study your followers and always make them happy – if you see they are worried than comfort them.

73. Always disagree with people – this can help you gain a bit of negative influence and also make people want to avoid you (at least I am just trying to be humorous also :))

74. Tweet the same link 5,000 times in a day – this will make all your users unfollow you thereby making you more influential (I almost laughed myself off my sit writing this one!)

75. Make your favorite social networking sites your base – use it to communicate and do most of your activities.

Twitter Tips!

76. Always make sure your tweets offer great value & information.

77. Don’t use all the 140 characters, try to limit it to less than 130 – this gives others the chance to easily retweet your tweets.

78. Always interact with others by replying to direct messages and replies, this will help you get more people ready to listen to you and talk to you.

79. Be friendly with everybody that comes your way, you never know who you might ask for a tweet.

80. Promote your products effectively, not spammingly. Make effective use of your twitter bio and include your link.

81. Get your own customized and personalized twitter background, it makes you look more professional.

82. Change your default twitter image, it is way too common. Having something that represents your brand or even a picture of yours is okay.

83. Always inject your personality in your tweets – are you funny, then always tell jokes!

84. Always shorten your urls, not doing so occupies a lot of space.

85. Always retweet other people’s tweet, this helps make sure they do the same when it comes to your turn.

86. Looking for more friends? Use the twitter search function to find friends related to your niche.

87. Always use #hashtags, this can help increase your tweets and visibility in the twitter search engine.

88. Run a twitter contest.

89. Tweet photos once in a while – twitter users love photos.

90. Be the first to tweet important events, this will add value for your followers.

91. Choose a username related to a popular but less competitive keyword, twitter ranks easily in search engines.

92. Always delete spam DM’s quickly, I have gotten legitimate DM’s stuck amongst them before and I had no choice than to delete them all (including the legitimate ones) – so don’t give them any room :).

93. Only follow relevant people, this will give you a better life.

94. Always watch out for the twitter spammers, they always do as if they know you, whereas they don’t – they are the ones with links pointing to gaming and drugs sites.

95. Have an easy to remember Social media username for branding purpose. Be consistent with your branding effort on Social media sites.

96. make sure you have a picture in your bio, this will help others to recognize your easily.

Over to You!

What has been your biggest social media challenge? What do you really think about social media? Any more tips to add to the above? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section!

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