Why Blogging Is The Best Online Money Making Business?

If we look at general mind-set of people who are studying, they all dream of getting a good job in one of the MNC’s and get a handsome package. Now, let me get back to the point and explain why blogging is one of the best way to make money and why everyone should try their hands on it. All the income reports you have seen from top bloggers around the globe, no one made that amount of money in one day. The way the recession is increasing globally, everyone is looking a way to earn passive income, and being online, we have an ample amount of opportunities to earn. It took them years of time, patience, dedication and hard work to reach that freedom of life.

Why blogging is easiest way to make money:

Let’s forget all the jargon we hear or read about blogging every day and look at blogging in simple to understand manner:
  • You create a blog
  • You pick a topic that you are passionate about. Example: Technology, Gadgets, Cooking, Programming, Life Management, Fishing, Dog care, Baby care, etc..etc..
  • You write the detailed article about the topics. (Refer to quality content)
  • You sign up for AdSense and place the ad codes. (Refer to how to create AdSense account)
  • People come to your blog from the search, social networking sites, read your blog, click on your ads, and you start making money.
Blogging is as simple as this, and everyone started like this. There are many advance stuff associated with it like SEO, Social media optimization, but all this comes at later stage, when you get the initial kick of blogging and start making your first few dollars from it.

Now, let’s look at investment of starting a business around blogging:

Whenever you plan to start a business (Online or offline), you need to make an initial investment. You need to buy a place to do the business, you need to buy raw material to create the product, you need to market or advertise your business to get more clients. Usually in this case investment is high, and when you have a full-time job, you will find it impossible to do all this thing. Now, lets compare usual business necessity and investment with blogging:

Place for your business:

This is usually the platform you are using to blog. If you are a complete newbie, you have the platform like Blogspot to create a blog, and you can also place Ads and do everything with it to learn the basics of blogging. Once you cross that nascent stage, and you are ready to take your business to next level, you move to a self-hosted WordPress blog. All you need is a hosting space and domain name, which you can get for as low as $60/year. (Ex: Bluehost)

Raw material and final product:

This is where the beauty of blogging lies. In blogging, raw material is your knowledge, and your final product is your blog post. In this case your initial investment is zero, and all you need to do is put your mind, energy, creativity on your writing, and write a compelling content, which is useful for others, and add values. How hard it would be for a natural writer, or for people who know how to write anything. Perfection may not come from day one, but if you do not try now, you will never be perfect!

Marketing and advertising:

As a professional blogger, I do make a huge investment on marketing and promotion of my blog, but this all started after three years of blogging. We have the platform like Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus to market our blog for free and to get advertisements. None the less, stuff like blog commenting, guest posting are some easiest way to market and brand your blog, and your investment remains zero. All it requires is dedication, a good strategy, and time.

Now, consider all the three essence of a business with blogging and calculate the total investment. If you are on a free platform (BlogSpot), you will be running a business with zero investment, and with self-serving ad platform (Google AdSense), you will be earning at least enough to pay many of your bills. If you are technical and smart, you should rather invest on a self-hosted WordPress blog, which again doesn’t cost much to start a blog.

Few difficulties with Blogging as a business for newbies:

Above lines must have given you enough hope about making money, and all are true. But, like I mentioned above: making money from the blog is not going to be easy, and it will require lots of things. Here I will outline some of the problems, which makes newbie quit blogging, or why they fail to make it big.

Reason for blogging:

If you are blogging just for money, you will certainly fail. Think of money in blogging as an extra incentive. Real goal of blogging is to write something that you like. When it comes to business aspect of blogging, we tend to stick to one topic (niche), and if you are blogging for money, you will soon lose the driving factor for blogging.


Blogging requires you to be consistent. When I started blogging while working for Convergys, my work timing was 8 P.M. to 5 A.M., and for first 5 months, I constantly worked 3-4 hours after full-time job to write something for my blog. At times, I sacrificed my sleep for this, but again that is something which I enjoyed doing.

It doesn’t matter what situation you are in, you have to be consistent. Your readers are coming to your blog for your articles, and they will not care if you can’t blog because of your office issues, personal issues or any other factor. If you are planning to earn from your blog, you have to be consistent. After all, money doesn’t come easy. Does it?

Your Basics and Business plan for your blog:

You write a blog post, and Google starts giving you traffic. Things have changed a lot in last 6 years, and if your basics are not clear, you might end up creating a blog with zero traffic. You don’t have to learn a lot, but just get your basics right about blogging. Learn from other bloggers mistakes, and most important have a business plan for your blog.

If I would have been at your place, and planning to start a blog, here are few things I would do for next few days:
  • Create a free blog on BlogSpot.com for testing purpose. If you are bit technical, rather use this guide and create a blog on WordPress platform like the one I have. You can start with this WordPress guide where you will learn everything about WordPress.
  • Read lots of blog posts about blogging, SEO basics. You can always start from ShoutMeLoud archive, as you will find everything to get started.
  • Observe few top blogs in the niche you are writing about, and start from the oldest post to understand how they started.
  • Read interviews of some of the bloggers to learn their story, and this will also help in motivating yourself.
  • If you have a blog and you are unmotivated, read this guide to give a new breath to your blogging journey.
  • Make a target to write one article a day on your test blog, to get into the flow of writing.
  • Ask your friends, family about the writing. If not, compare your blog post with other top blogs, and try to understand what is lacking, and improve it in future posts.
If you have any questions about blogging, feel free to ask me via comments. If you find this article interesting and informative, feel free to share it on Facebook, Twitter and Google plus.

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